Poetry hits just like Music! You ever listen to a song and you know those lyrics were written just for you? Forget anyone else, that song was for you. The lyrics reached down and touched your SOUL!!!!! Yes, music possesses power. Both Poetry and Music possess the power of words and the power of sound. Combine lyrics and music and you have Melodic Poetry.
There is so much information about the power of sound. It is definitely an interesting topic that one should explore. Sound has the power to create and destroy. Everything in our Universe is impacted by sound. The frequency and vibration of poetry and music possess immense power. (I will insert a link to a great blog post at the end on this topic)
Music and Poetry have helped and empowered me through many of life’s experiences. I can write a list of Melodic Poetry that transformed my mind, emotions, heart, and life. Music is also an intricate part of Zulmie. I love listening to and discovering new music. I love singing. I took chorus in middle school and sang in the church choir and praise team. I would have jam sessions with my musician family and friends many late nights. They jam while I sing and spit poetry simultaneously. One of my pass time activities is doing karaoke with my niece.
When you read my poetry I hope you hear the music. I want you to drown in the depths of my poetic and musical soul. May you experience the Melodic Poetry that the Zulmie experience embodies.
Your Poet,